Thursday, November 13

The Deactivation Facebook Challenge

  Yes, I'm back! I took my own challenge to stay off Facebook for awhile and see if I have a life and friends in it! I realized that my blog has totally gone to the wayside since Facebook came into existence. For shame. But it happened and it was easy to fall into the rut of logging onto FB and making a quick update. LAZY!! So, at the prompting of my dogs, I have opted OUT of FB to dog walk in the mornings. I have decided to reinvest that time into doing more things and visiting more people,,,, IN PERSON! What a novel idea!!!

   Are you missing out by being on FB all the time? Take the DEACTIVATION FACEBOOK CHALLENGE WITH ME. (and you too can get nasty messages from people thinking you have blocked them!)

  There is no "Vacation from FB" status so deactivation is the only way! For all those that are still subscribed to my blog, well Bless YOU!! You kept me going during those rainy days and I appreciate your following!

 Thank you all for now and See Ya SOON!! And yes, THAT is "MY CAT" ( I keep telling the dogs). He showed up at my house on CR Mother's Day with a broken leg. The dogs found him hiding.  He has since taken over my house and my heart.

I still have cat killing dogs so that's a big challenge!!