Ever had one of those days when if it's not one thing, it's ten others?
We have had some hard rain lately and if you live here, you know what that can bring... no electric, no Internet, no water, ...the list goes on. It's a great opportunity to work on "the coping skills". All in all, I fared well. I know some didn't. Someone told me almost 20 inches of rain fell in less than three days. Some strong winds, too. Spooky weather. Dr. House program was interesting this past Thursday. I had electric so I could watch it. I try not to miss it. It was about this man with Chagas disease. He had lived in Costa Rica a few months while doing missionary work many years earlier.
I had heard of this disease but never researched it. So, I googled Chagas. Surprise, surprise.
On Dr. House, the man unknowingly had been infected with Chagas disease for many years. Besides the condition that was killing him, one of this man's symptoms on Dr. House was he was "unusually nice".
I wonder how many people in Costa Rica might have been bit by the Kissing bug ? Most are exceptionally nice people.
I know, it's only a t. v. show but have you ever heard of Chagas disease? It can go undetected for ten years or more. I learn stuff from Dr. House.
If it's not one thing, it's eleven others.
I wonder if the pills we all take for parasites work for Chagas, too?