Friday, June 15


If you like Oprah and just love Mary J. Blige - Today's show WAS THE BEST!
I have loved Mary J's music for years but have lost touch with her new stuff (and her life). She rocks now, her music
and her life.

I'm one of those people who has a song in my mind. I will get a tune stuck in my head and replay it through out the day or a something will happen that triggers a song that is applicable and I hear that one. I call it 'Teri Tunes'. I've done this most of my life. I hope others do too, I've never asked. Music 'moves' me throughout my day.

I can "feel" Mary J's lyrics and music. Her gift really touches me. Listening to her today on Oprah is really the first time I've heard M.J. be so outspoken. I just love a success story and hearing someone finding their way 'Home'.
In five years, she has changed her life.
Click here for the show.

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