Sunday, September 3

"Pura Vida" - I learn from my dogs

"Pura Vida", everyone says it here. It means "pure life" or the acceptance of whatever life brings. Once, someone told me their father died and right after saying this, he says, "Pura Vida". This struck me as odd, at first, but then I realized Pura Vida does encompass EVERYTHING. You'd have to live here to understand the true essence of Pura Vida. Once you know "Pura Vida", you can take it with you ANYWHERE. It's a way of life, acceptance for what is.

My dogs were born knowing pura vida. They are the best examples I can think of to describe this way of life. They wake up happy, eager to greet me and the day, EVERY morning. They don't hold a grudge, they don't care about appearances, they are perfectly content to lay in a cool spot until something triggers their interest. If I leave them behind when I leave in my car, they are just as excited to go on the next trip.
Everyday is a NEW DAY. Pura Vida!

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