Monday, March 12


It hasn't really rained here in months.
I never thought I'd be begging for rain again but I am.
Jaco is just one big dust bowl and the local people still get
around here on bikes and by walking.
Our little town is loaded with Gringos in big SUV's
driving at full speed with their a/c on and windows up.
They have little regard for those that are also on these
roads, choking on their dust.
Please, HAVE RESPECT and slow the hell DOWN.
This is their country and blazing down dirt roads IS DISRESPECTFUL.

FYI - Pres. Bush is in Guatamala today and the locals chant "Gringo Go Home".
They will also be cleansing their sacred sites after Bush leaves.
Gringos are not really "welcomed" here in CR either.
Only their money as tourist passing through.
The "foreigners" have totally changed Jaco in a mere few years. It's sad for those of us that liked it small and quaint. The prejudices against us Gringos is very evident these days. Bigger/Better is the U.S.A. way. Costa Ricans are content with how things are and would like for us all to just go home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is there a way for me to paste your whole article on my site, not just link to it? Maybe you can email me a copy to post word for word... Your words have more impact as your live there and I really want to post it on my site as a warning to what could happen in our town. It's sad what we're doing to these wonderfully welcoming people.