Wednesday, October 21

Raining in Waves

This has been an unusually dry rainy season. Due to El Nino, we've had some incredible high tides, bringing in tons of beach sand. A couple of days ago, with the big rain and high tide combo, people experienced the ocean at their doors again! The weather has been so beautiful lately, I wondered if the rains were ever coming... well they did.... starting about two nights ago and they came with a vengence, BIG lightning and thundering. It's been raining quietly in waves ever since.

For those that think of us living in Costa Rica as lucky, I'm not sure it's luck but there definitely is a flip side you don't hear much about and that's how the rain comes and stays and alters your life for a couple of months. Beats snow any day!!

I compiled a running list of different rains way back when. Adding a new one, Wave Rain.
I don't have a "rain photo" so I'm posting the Lapas that fly over every day (except when it's raining).
As I published this, the rain just "turned off" again.


wolfie_cr said...

that picture is AWESOME! good job!

BreeWee said...

I love sleeping in the rain so much, and raining waves is the perfect description. HUGS to you all in Playa Hermosa.

Anonymous said...

"they" claim that even in rainy season it there is some sun every day in Costa Rica. I experienced one day there without any sun. when you go to travel websites, "they" claim sun 364 days a year! I know it depends on the region, but how many days a year do you find there is NO sun? I'd rather warm rains then snow- I love the storms there although they also scared the poop out of me! There is a Tom Waits song where he states "it's raining hammers, it's raining nails"...I love that, along with your raining waves! Enjoy! Wet is better than dry in most circumstances! ;)

Tica Macha said...

My fence line is now a mud strip along with garden areas. With four dogs inside dogs (16 dirty legs and 4 tummies) the rainy season can be quite a chore. Plus the water runs dirty so not much washing to be done. Hang clothes in the laundry and the fan dries them. Three days, no sun (well, a glimpse for a few seconds) and counting....
I'm from South Florida, which has a rainy season but it ain't got NOTHING on Costa Rica!!
Everything mildews here!!!! Pura Vida!
Love it or leave it.