Sunday, August 9

Gridlock to World Surfing Games - Hermosa Costa Rica

My friend, Carol, braved the traffic early Saturday to come out to Hermosa and do a little shopping at the Planeta Aventura they have set up at the surf event. She took these shots trying to get back to Jaco a little before noon. It was over an hour drive. My electrician stopped by to get me out of a jam (the wire on my car alarm came out and totally shut down my car) and he called back, still on the road, to report people walking from Jaco. An incredible sight. This was the pilgrimage to surf land. They cancelled the "Walk for Jesus" pilgrimage to Cartago this year due to swine flu. That didn't stop these people. It was estimated over 25,000 people were here.

1 comment:

Jen said...

HOLY gallo pinto! So glad we didn't try to get to Esterillos while friends were visiting last week. Dona Ana was our own private beach. I read they(ICE) were going to leave you(Hermosa) the wireless internet. A small token for the hell you've been through.