Sunday, July 27

Sunset Sunday

If you live around here, you may recognize this location from the crook in the alamandra tree, a favorite surf spot in Hermosa.
I guess you have been wondering where I've been.... I'm here, I just haven't been posting because my camera is on the blink and I'm catching up on other stuff, like yardwork. The rain is light now but it's a prelude for what is to come in September. I'm cutting back my yard before the BIG RAINS come and it's impossible to work in the yard. I still haven't found another Jose, I miss him terribly. For now, I serve in his place, doing it myself except I had help with the knee-high grass the other day. Two guys, one lawn mower and one weed-eater - Wonderful!!

"Never pull weeds on Sunday", my granny always said. "They will come back double."


Peggy said...

Teri- What kind of plants do you have around the fence for privacy? They aren't ficus; right?

I'm still struggling with what to do about my ficus hedge.

Tica Macha said...

I have a amapola hedge (hibiscus). It started out as sticks shoved in the ground. They rooted and sprouted new branches and now I spend my life cutting it back. The iguanas love the flowers but for me, it's a real hassle. Teri