Tuesday, November 13

Tortilla Recipe

Ever have a hankering for REAL homemade tortillas?
La Gringa's Blogicita over in Honduras has published this amazingly detailed recipe on just how to do it. She has a real cool blog and sometimes when I'm reading it, I forget she's NOT in Costa Rica. Very similar to how things are here in Costa Rica.
p.s. "hankering" is a real word.


La Gringa said...

Oh, my gosh! How embarrassing. Am I ever behind on my blog reading or I would have thanked you for the mention long ago!

I make flour tortillas often now and because it is so time consuming, I make a big batch and freeze them. As long as you thaw them first, they come out fine in the microwave. It's handy to have a stash for a quick quesadilla, taco, or baleada.

Love your blog! I'm adding a link today. (Actually thought I did that a month ago--I'm losing my mind.)

Tica Macha said...

My mistake, I thought I had sent you a link to let you know.
I loved how thorough you were on your recipe.
Be sure to check out the Cuban Egg Nog that I posted from Marta at www.mybigfatcubanfamily.com
It's great.