Friday, May 16


Costarricans are very family focused. This is a typical scene at a tourist outlet, the older sister tends to her sibling while her mother works. The girl still has on her school uniform so she must have just come from school. Not many people realize, children in Costa Rica are REQUIRED to wear a uniform to school. No uniform, no school.
Recently, The Central Pacific Chamber of Commerce did a major uniform fund drive to furnished uniforms and supplies for many of the children in this area. It's not over and the drive still continues so no child is left behind because they do not have the shoes or clothes for school. If you would like to help in this effort, just write me and I will supply you with the info.

Photo taken at the Chamber of Commerce in Jaco - supplies for the local schools:
bookbags, notebooks, shoes, uniforms. Each child was matched with their correct size in shoes and uniforms, a daunting task. There are still many needy children without supplies and this effort to provide for them will continue.

1 comment:

Debora Edholm said...

What a great job. Wow that is a ton of supplies and very much needed. Thank God for the help people are giving the children. They deserve it and will never forget it............